While enjoying a Guinness, how many times have you thought to yourself: I really wish they made a lager? I'd wager the answer to that is zero. But on the slim chance you have had that thought you would find out they made Harp Lager and never think about it again. So when I first saw Guinness Blonde American Lager in stores my first thought was 'why?' instead of 'I've got to try it.' But in the spirit of this blog and the goodwill I have towards Guinness Draught, I felt picking up a single bottle was necessary.
Brewed in Latrobe, PA, Guinness Blonde American Lager pours a beautifully crystal clear golden amber with a fluffy white head. Unfortunately, that was the only positive thing about this lager. The aroma was almost non-existent. I had to bury my nose in the glass for a couple minutes to detect the aroma of a bready malt and some grassy hops. Sadly, much like the aroma the flavor was almost non-existent. There is some initial bready malt sweetness and a light peppery hop finish, but it took almost half a glass to figure that out. Frankly, it tasted like someone dumped out ¾ of a bottle of Rolling Rock, filled it back up with water, capped it, slapped a Guinness label on it and charged 10 dollars a 6 pack for it. Clearly, Guinness was trying to cash in more on their name value here then providing a quality product.
The first of their new Discovery Series line, Guinness Blonde American Lager disappoints on almost every level. And while I admire their attempt to try to do something new to compete with the expanding American craft beer marketplace, if this is a sign of things to come, I do not expect the Discovery Series to be a success. This is dull, flavorless beer and it’s an insult to the Guinness name. If you find yourself looking for a lager to pair with Guinness, I’d recommend sticking with Harp or looking anywhere else.
Overall I’d rate Guinness Blonde American Lager a .5/5. Overpriced and flavorless, I do not expect to see this beer on shelves for very long.
Rating Scale:
1 - Repugnant and undrinkable
2 - Acceptable but forgettable
3 - Good, worth a purchase
4 - Excellent, a step above the norm
5 - Truly exceptional
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Thanks for reading. Sláinte!