Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Budweiser 1933 Repeal Reserve Amber Lager

Ever since I started writing this blog, people have jokingly asked me to review Bud Light. Obviously, they were looking to see how I tried to describe in greater detail a beer I referred to for years as “piss water”. I have thought about doing it for an April Fool's Day blog but that has yet to materialize. I know it would make a few people chuckle but it really does not add much to the blog. At this point, if you drink beer, I am sure you have had a Bud Light. The point of this blog is to shine a light on a beer you may not have tried. However, if you have been waiting for me to review a beer with the Budweiser name on it, the wait is officially over..

The moment I saw a commercial for Budweiser's 1933 Repeal Reserve Amber Lager, I knew I had to buy a bottle and write about it. This was not because I was particularly passionate about trying the beer, it was because I know some people will be curious about whether or not it is worth trying. So with the best of intention I twisted off the cap, poured the amber-colored lager into a glass and hoped for the best.

The aroma was surprisingly bold for a Budweiser branded beer which gave me hope that the next 12 ounces might be bearable. There is a lot of caramel malt up front in the aroma. Also, there are hints of toasted bread and nuttiness as well. The hop presence in the aroma is both grassy and herbal. The first sip left me pleasantly surprised. The makers of a watered down “beechwood aged” beer seemed to actually make a beer with a bold flavor. The caramel malt sweetness that dominated the aroma, dominated the flavor as well. Just like the aroma, there are notes of nuts and toasted bread before a grassy, herbal finish. At first it worked for me, it reminded me of Sam Adams Winter Lager without the spices. By the end of the glass however, the sweetness began to wear on me and I noticed a metallic note in the finish. This beer is by no means complex, but I did not really expect it to be. 1933 is a surprisingly decent beer from the makers of “piss water.”

Before I wrap this up, I want to be clear here. I am not saying run out and buy a six-pack of this. I am saying that if over the course of the holiday season, you are at a relatives house that only drinks macro beer, this is the one you should grab from the fridge. Also, you should have brought something better to the party.

Overall rating: 3/5  

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Thanks for reading. Sláinte!

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