Saturday, August 12, 2017

Florida Beers - Orange Blossom Honey Pilsner, Swamp Head Stump Knocker Pale Ale & Crooked Can High Stepper IPA

Whenever I travel, I look for beer that I can't buy back home. A trip to a brewery and/or bottle shop is essential to every vacation my wife and I go on. I know it is like this for many beer enthusiasts who are always looking to try new and exciting beer. Sometimes though, it is difficult to get beer from every place you want to try it from. That is where your friends and fellow beer enthusiasts come in. Recently a good friend of mine(thank you Dennis!) traveled to Florida for a vacation and was kind enough to bring back a plethora of beer for me to try. There was stuff I had never heard of, along with an old favorite of mine, Cigar City's Jai Alai IPA. Now while I am not here to talk about Jai Alai, I will say that if you have yet to try it, do so. Jai Alai IPA & many other of Cigar City's offerings are well worth seeking out. This blog is about the others beer in that exciting assortment. Some of the beer is great, some of the beer is not, but as always it was a lot of fun trying something new and getting to write about it.

The first beer I tried was the one I was most excited about(which unfortunately turned out to be the worst of the bunch), Orange Blossom Honey Pilsner from Lakeland's Orange Blossom Brewing Company. Boasting that it contained 2.3 teaspoons of Orange Blossom Honey and that it was a mouthful of sweetness according to the can seemed to promise something at least interesting. Sure, it had some sweetness but Orange Blossom Pilsner is a watered down, muddled mess of a beer. Don't get me wrong, there are some good things about this beer. The honey sweetness in particular was nice, I just wanted more of it. There was also a nice fruitiness to it, as well as a nice malt backbone and a crisp, clean, zesty finish. Unfortunately, none of it seemed to gel well together. It tasted like instead of deciding to bring out these bold flavors, they decided to go in favor of a forgettable, crisp, clean beach beer. Being in Florida, I can't say I blame them but at 5.5%, there should have been more body here and more flavor. Orange Blossom Pilsner might work as a warm weather beer, but so does Pabst Blue Ribbon. That being said, PBR is cheaper and tastes a lot better. I would rather drink a Pabst.

Overall rating: 1.5/5

Next up is Stump Knocker Pale Ale brewed by Swamp Head Brewery in Gainesville. I knew immediately I would enjoy this beer by the aroma alone. Stump Knocker was absolutely bursting with citrus aromas. Orange peel, tangerine, grass, pine but mostly grapefruit shined in the nose. The aroma pretty much matched the first sip. It was full of grapefruit, citrus, and pine with caramel malt adding a nice hint of sweetness. The finish was pleasantly bitter and clean. At 5.6%, this is slightly stronger than Orange Blossom Pilsner but it delivers bigger flavors and a significantly better drinking experience. The bright citrus flavors here are refreshing and compliment warm weather nicely. On my next trip to Florida, I will be looking for a 6-pack of this.

Overall rating: 4/5

Finally, from Crooked Can Brewing Company in Winter Garden, is High Stepper American IPA. I will start this off by saying High Stepper is by no means a remarkable IPA but it is a decent one. Mango, passion fruit, resinous pine, grapefruit and a hint of malt sweetness come out in the aroma. The first sip is dank, tropical, citrusy and slightly sweet. Mango, pine and juicy grapefruit shine the most here. The malt is slightly sweet and provides a nice bit of balance. This is one of those beers I enjoyed initially but the more I had the more I started to enjoy it less. The first can of it I thought was incredible because admittedly it went down pretty quick. I took a bit more time to drink the second can and it became a chore to finish. This had something to do with a vegetal flavor that became more and more noticeable as it warmed. So, like a movie that falls apart in the third act, it became a chore to finish. Overall, I liked High Stepper and I am happy to revisit it in the future, but one can of it is more than enough.

Overall rating: 3.25/5

I had a blast trying these beers from Florida. Stump Knocker was my clear favorite and I hope one day to try more beer from Swamp Head Brewery. High Stepper American IPA is a decent beer especially if consumed before it warms. Orange Blossom Honey Pilsner unfortunately is just bad beer, that seemed to be full of potential. Still, it was a blast to try some new beer that I can't find in Upstate NY and I am very grateful to have had that opportunity(again, thank you Dennis!).

Rating Scale:
1. Repugnant and undrinkable
2. Acceptable but forgettable
3. Good, worth a purchase
4. Excellent, a step above the norm
5. Truly Exceptional. Drop everything, BUY IT NOW!

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Thanks for reading. Sláinte!

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